Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree.....

Christmas trees. Hmmm, where did the idea of a perfectly shaped pine tree with the angel or the star on top come from? I am normally very particular when it comes to my tree, it basically has to be perfect. Jim and I have had our down points on the roller coaster lately and I have realized there are things a little more important in life than how perfect my tree is. I let (and yes I said let) Jim go get the tree by himself. It is a nice VERY full tree, but the top is off and my angel is reclined. If there are more important things, than why does this bother me? Maybe Christmas means a little more to me now than it did a few years ago. I currently don't have ANY of my ornaments from when I was a kid or a baby, my ex in Iowa will not send them to me. I never realized how much ornaments meant until every year, since then, when I decorate the tree. I'll admit it, I cry. I want my ornaments back. He has no use for them! 25 years of ornaments sitting in a box in an attic in Iowa. I believe that this is the reason that I have become so precise about Christmas decorations. I LOVE Christmas and I want Christmas all around me, but I want it to be perfect. I guess it just doesn't feel perfect because I am missing something. Ok, I am missing 25 years worth of somethings!
So I took a little break from my blog above and now I don't remember where I was headed with it! So anyways, um.....Christmas time, gotta love it!


  1. So glad I am not the only one to lose a train of that I think about it I am lucky to find the track that train was on much less the darn train!!

  2. Trains go on tracks?!?!?!? Crap, maybe that's what I'm doing wrong!!!
